The Return on Investment of Membership in the NCCA

Average Bad Debt Avoidance $140,000 (source: Credit Today)

Return 98.24% on your one time annual investment!

Cost of Credit Reporting Agency ($200,000 “unlimited” or $200 per report)

At $200/report, break-even is 19 reports
On an “unllimited” contract, to trim $5,000 from your budget, you only need to pull 25 reports
50 for $10,000; 500 for $100,000

Think if you combined the savings!!!
**Combined estimate on your per year, one-time investment could be realized with the FIRST report or within the FIRST month!!!**

Annual Education Conference

Subsidized by NCCA and Sponsors
Staffed and developed by members for members

Key Benefits at NO Charge!

This is a group of our peers; everything is relevant!
Database of customer payment history
Credit Reports and References are essentially free!
Most reliable database available to our industry!
These are OUR customers
How they pay Chemical companies NOT utilities, landlords, freight billed, etc.
Interactive communication exchange
Flash function (broadcast news on a customer, per legal limits)
Your customers are identified with your systems number

Free surveys and benchmarking data

Metrics (DSO, Bad Debt, Write Offs)
3 Quarterly face-to-face meetings

Exceptional networking opportunity
Significant reduced travel expenses and room rates
ABC-Amega negotiation and leverage
Access to other Credit related companies (CRF, NCS, Banks, etc.)

Free educational webinars sponsored by ABC-Amega, which are conducted monthly by select credit industry professionals, groups and/or sponsors.