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ABC-Amega People-First
Commercial Credit & Debt Collection Services.

We Don’t Just Collect Debt. We Make Good On The Promise.

Contact us to get started

5 Years of Service

Improve cash flow, maintain customer relationships, and gain peace of mind.

Debt collection is about more than money. It’s about people. It’s about your relationship with your customers. We believe your customers’ past due accounts can be recovered quickly, amicably and to everyone’s benefit when you put people first.

What Making Good on The Promise Means.

When you work with ABC-Amega, you get highly-trained, certified debt collection experts who focus on maintaining your reputation and customer relationships. Collection efforts are made by our in-house team. We know who represents you matters.

At ABC-Amega, we provide services you can count on and people who are proud to represent you. We’ll work hard every day to earn your trust by keeping the promises we make.


Our B2B Debt Collection Services


Third-Party Commercial Debt Collection

Our in-house team of certified debt collection specialists have access to a world-wide network of agency and attorney partners to provide legal intervention, when necessary. With monitored calls, keyword-focused scripts, and a people-first approach, we get results you can count on…in over 200 countries.

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First-Party Accounts Receivable Management

You have a business to run. You need to improve cash flow and resolve outstanding customer issues. Our in-house Client Service Representatives represent you as an extension of your team, maintaining relationships and resolving your past-due accounts.

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Article: 6 Tips for Making Collection Calls that Get Results

Making collection calls takes most credit professionals out of their comfort zone. If debt collection is part of your job, you can be more comfortable and successful by following a few tips from the commercial collections pros on our staff.

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Webinar: From Order to Cash, Get the Most from Outside Suppliers

With limited time and dwindling resources, many companies rely on outside collection agencies (OCAs) or other suppliers to manage their Order-to-Cash process, including billing, cash application, and accounts receivable management. Learn about the most relevant factors of account collectability, internal process review, and ways to evaluate and get the most value from your suppliers.
This webinar was presented by Media Financial Management Association (MFM). For more information about MFM webinars, please visit or email [email protected].

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Credit Group Management Services

Each industry has its own challenges, but you need to have confidence in the credit granting decisions you make. Our credit groups connect you with your peers to share timely receivables data on mutual customers, while keeping you on the right side of antitrust guidelines.

We’ll make sure all the information is factual, and we’ll support you with the latest industry education resources to help make your job easier.

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Educational Resources

Our experts help you stay ahead of changes in technology, regulations, and anything else impacting your account recovery needs.

Recover Past Due Accounts. Move Forward With Your Business

Let’s recover what you’re owed. Let’s maintain the customer relationships you worked hard to build. Together, we can do more than debt collection. We can help you improve your bottom line.

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